The #EasterJRINKHunt is on!
Calling all DC'ers from NoVa to Maryland! You’re cordially invited to join our first inaugural #easterJRINKhunt. We’re so excited we can barely tamp our kale shots evenly.
Here’s how it works: Tomorrow, Saturday April 4, we JRINK staff (along with a small collection of our friends and partners) will hide a series of literal gold JRINK bottles across the greater DC area. Starting at 11AM, we’ll all be 'gramming the bottle in one of DC's more recognizable nooks, then drop a hint or two to our followers.
From there, the hunt is on. The first person to find the bottle, Instagram it (be sure to tag @jrinkjuicery and hashtag #easterJRINKhunt) wins the prize inside. Finder's keepers.
So whose Instagram feed ought you to be following to better your chances of snagging a bottle? We’ve compiled a handy list of folks, along with their handles, right below. We will admit, though, that @jrinkjuicery will be posting more than once!
JRINK Juicery - @JRINKjuicery
DCITYstyle - @DCITYstyle
Morgan West - @pandaheadmorgan
Alexandra Dawson - @tallulahalexandra
Mona Lavinia - @monalavinia
Ryan Arrendell - @randigloss
Carl Nard - @carlnard
Taryn Ohashi - @tmohashi
Ready? Steady? Let the hunt begin!