Turning Up with Turmeric

Feeling that Fall tingle in your throat?

We've got a flu-fighting mainstay, and it's found in our Clean Me Up II and Clean Me Up III -- Turmeric.  The ochre-colored spice has an earthy aromatic flavor you've likely encountered in Indian food and in Eastern medicine practices. 


Beyond having a complex, slightly citrusy flavor, this ancient plant also has a number of transformative health benefits including:

  • Got a croaky throat and congested head? In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is frequently used as an antimicrobial and antibiotic to protect against--and fight--flu symptoms. (source: University of Southern California)
  • Migraines or constant headaches?  The chemicals in turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that'll help relieve those head pains, pronto. (source: National Institutes of Health

  • Funky tummy got you down? In a study, supplements containing turmeric were found to be effective at lessening heartburn and other symptoms of indigestion. (source: National Center for Biotechnology Information

  • Cardiovascular concerns?  Curcurmin, the compound which gives turmeric its bright color, has been used to prevent heart attacks among bypass patients--and studies suggest it may contribute to a 65% lower chance of heart attacks. (source: National Institutes of Health)


Find CLEAN ME UP II & CLEAN ME UP III in our Immunity Collection, purchase HERE.