That Reboot Life
“Hey my [insert any type of technology] isn’t working…”
“Have you tried Rebooting it?”
We’ve all been on both ends of this frustrating question and let’s be honest...resetting something works most of the time. The body is no different.
Reboots are a great way to reset the body, that isn't just a “quick fix”. It's additive, not subtractive, like a juice cleanse (to be honest with you, not much in the realm of wellness is achieved overnight). Think of a Reboot with a pressed juice cleanse as peace of mind nutrition, and a tool that allows the body to reset on a clean slate, ultimately setting the foundation for long-lasting weight change.
There are several reasons you may want to Reboot, but here are the top 6:
Diet change (becoming vegetarian, vegan, cutting out dairy or processed sugar, etc.)
Peace of mind nutrition when busy
Feeling heavy and sluggish
Turning over a new leaf #health
Seasonal reset
Your friend wants you do it with him or her (we all have that JRINKing buddy)
What are the benefits of a Reboot? Glad you asked. Here are the top 4 reasons, compiled from over 2,000 customers that have done it:
Inflammation is caused by nastiness from a poor diet or consuming things your body doesn’t like. Cutting out all the things that are toxic plus putting in all the good stuff will reduce inflammation. Removing toxins and absorbing more nutrients also boost the amount of good bacteria.
Consuming several pounds of raw produce (up to 5 lbs in each bottle, 6 juices a day for 3-5 days. This amount of produce would fill your 450 sq foot studio and take you for-ever to consume) for a few days straight helps repair a leaky gut.
One, because it’s pushing out the trash and absorbs all those nutrients. Two, after a few days you will be feeling more energized because your digestive system doesn’t have to work, use energy, to digest what you’re consuming. A healthy gut leads to a dewier complexion, which is always an added bonus!
With no trash flowing through your body your liver gets the chance to rest so that it can reset. Then it can do its job more effectively.
Contrary to popular belief Reboots do not shrink your stomach. They can help you lose weight by reducing water weight, and getting the body to a good healthy place. They also retrain the body to be satisfied with a reduced appetite so that you can healthily lose weight over time.
JRINKing Tips:
Don’t freak out your body!
Prep your body. We don't recommend binging on your fave comfort food prior to a Reboot. Think healthy, clean, lighter so moving to all juice will be less of a shock. Check out our Pinterest board for recipes to help with the pre and post process of a Reboot.
Hydrate Like A Boss
Water is required when cleaning everything else so yeah, you need water to help with the removal of toxins and waste. Try to keep the water 30 minutes away from juices during your Reboot - you don't want to dilute the power!
But coffee (Ugh, sorry about this one.)
Coffee dehydrates and part of this whole Reboot thing is to increase hydration. Most people said they had a surprising amount of energy during their Reboot. If you MUST have caffeine we recommend a cup of green tea in place of coffee, or cold brew coffee. (if you are having all juice and a cup of Joe, you are still ahead of the game, so don't 'beet' yourself up!)
Snack Attack
If you do get a bit hangry, IT'S OKAY TO EAT SOMETHING (nuts, slices of apple, cucumber, or some avocado as good fats, is best).
How often? This is different for every person. However, most JRINKers do this every month or quarter, keeping health a top priority. Ready to start? Let's Reboot!